Sunday, June 28, 2020

Best of 2020 First Half Top Ten List

It been a crazy 6 months and I expect it’s going to be even crazier the next 6 months. So to get us by we read, a lot!

Best of 2020 to date. Not necessarily in order.

From books I’ve read:

Susie Steiner, Remain Silent
Alex Marwood, The Poison Garden
Charlie 316, Frank Zafiro and Colin Conway
Never the Crime, Frank Zafiro and Colin Conway
City of Margins, William Boyle
Gravesend, William Boyle
Unspeakable Things, Jess Laurey
Broken, Don Winslow
The End of October, Lawrence Wright
The Paladin, David Ignatius

Pick any and you won’t go wrong.

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