Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Sacrifice of Lester Yates by Robin Yocum


The Sacrifice of Lester Yates by Robin Yates

Rating: Stared Review 

Summary: Yocum revives a character, Hutchison Van Buren now adult, from his fantastic book, Favorite Sons,  as the attorney general for the state of Ohio. Hutch is asked by a prison guard to look into a death row inmates case who he believes is innocent. 

Comments: Yocum doesn’t really hide the plot is a deep dive mystery and you might easily see the direction it’s going, but don’t discount the brilliance of Yocum’s work. He’s a terrific storyteller that clips his plots right along. If you like political thrillers much like Grisham then you’ll absolutely make this a page turner for yourself. Yocum might be the best author you never heard of. He does not disappoint. Highly recommended.

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