Thursday, August 26, 2021

Wolf Point by Ian K. Smith


Wolf Point by Ian K. Smith

Rating: Starred Review 

Summary: Ashe Cayne, spelled after his fathers favorite tennis player is asked by the family of a very prominent Chicago political player to look into his death by that was said to be a suicide. All on the hush and fast tracked police investigation. 

Summary: Ashe is a very rich smooth detective with a love for Shakespeare quotes.  A terrific novel that pretty much describes the current state of corruption and crime in Chicago, a once great city. Highly recommend and should be made into movies or series. The best crime noir this year.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Rainy Lake Minnesota, Canadian Border


Wild fire smoke from Canadian fires on the Minnesota and Ontario boarder. 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Next Wife by Kaira Rouda


The Next Wife by Kaira Rouda

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: A family tech company is being attacked by a young lady who happens to have caused the divorce of its CEO first wife. With an IPO on the line and a pending split from the next wife plans for a take over quickly dissolve into chaos.

Comments: Rouda is a great writer of American Psycho type characters that have large egos and grandiose  plans. Rouda avoids slogging long narratives and gets right to the point. Fun stuff.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Better off Dead by Lee Child and Andrew Child


Better off Dead by Lee Child and Andrew Child

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Reacher roams into small border town in Arizona on his way to the ocean and stumbles into a smuggling bomb maker. Reacher decides to stay and help a women searching for her wayward brother she believes sent her a message to help him. 

Comments: Basic Reacher plot. Nothing fancy but all the fun of the Child writing you’ve enjoyed over the years. This book seems cut short for some reason. But the same fun is there. 


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The April Dead by Alan Parks


The April Dead by Alan Parks

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Dark Glasgow Det. Harry McCoy is sick with an ulcer and drinking and smoking like a champion. He meets a older father looking for his American son and is asked to help. Harry finds sometime and suddenly Glasgow is being targeted with bombings. Wattie his semi formal partner is looking into McCoys childhood friend ties to a local thugs death. How’s this tie altogether? 

Comments: Fourth in Parks great series. Tight dark and dirty noir. Old school crime. Love it!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Rovers by Richard Lange



Rovers by Richard Lange

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: Two brothers who also happen to be Rovers themselves must navigate a world with other Rovers and do so without attracting to much attention by people who might be hunting them. A man who lost his son to Rovers discovers another old man who hunts Rovers. 

Comments: Think a combination of Of Mice and Men and the tv show True Blood. It’s a bloody mess of a unexpected crime novel with vampires. 

A Thousand Steps by T. Jefferson Parker


A Thousand Steps by T. Jefferson Parker

Stared Review

Summary: A teen boy growing up on Labuan Beach and in the background of the peace and far out generations with a brother on his last days of his Vietnam tour. When he sees his first dead girl being recovered from the beach after missing for several days now found dead. Shocked he learns his sister is too missing. Though a drug riddled Mother and a deadbeat dad he takes on the search for her through the streets of Latina with some help from the police who also have alternate agendas. 

Comments: The tension is thicker then the summer marine layer. The writing is straight forward greatness. The characters and generations is like a Kaleidoscope spinning in a haze of pot smoke. This could be the crime novel of the year. Simply fantastic must read.