Wednesday, August 4, 2021

A Thousand Steps by T. Jefferson Parker


A Thousand Steps by T. Jefferson Parker

Stared Review

Summary: A teen boy growing up on Labuan Beach and in the background of the peace and far out generations with a brother on his last days of his Vietnam tour. When he sees his first dead girl being recovered from the beach after missing for several days now found dead. Shocked he learns his sister is too missing. Though a drug riddled Mother and a deadbeat dad he takes on the search for her through the streets of Latina with some help from the police who also have alternate agendas. 

Comments: The tension is thicker then the summer marine layer. The writing is straight forward greatness. The characters and generations is like a Kaleidoscope spinning in a haze of pot smoke. This could be the crime novel of the year. Simply fantastic must read.

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