Thursday, December 30, 2021

Shifty’s Boys by Chris Offutt


Shifty’s Boys by Chris Offutt

Rating: Starred Review

Summary: The second stunning novel featuring a Mick Hardin who is still recovering from a wound suffered during a IED blast. Set in the rolling hills of Eastern Kentucky where someone might say Hidy to you as a fine greeting. Mick is asked by a local woman who’s son is found dead in an apparent bad drug deal. Th local cops don’t care and Micks gotta find something to do before is return date with the army. 

Comments: The second splendid crime novel with Offutt featuring Mick Hardin and equally important Linda, and super organized character Johnny Boy. Superior dialog places you deep in the Kentucky hills with plenty of scenes starting or ending with song birds. Robbins being the most spectacular North American bird. Since I like a birds this was a great setting for me. Highly highly recommended. I hope to see more Mick Hardin. This is an incredible series. 

Side Note. I once traveled this area and still remember it’s beauty and deep rolling hills and twisting curves. Incredible.

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