Tuesday, September 27, 2022

All That Is Mine I Carry With Me by William Landay

 All That Is Mine I Carry With Me by William Landay

Rating: Starred Review

Summary:  A struggling author without any ideas for a new novel meets a former friend for a drink and is given an idea to look at his family past. A well off Newton Massachusetts women married to a highly successful dominant husband, disappears from her family in the mid 70’s without a trace for nearly 18 years. Told brilliantly by multiple characters we dive deadly into family accusations and hate. 

Comments: Completely honest here: The story unfolds in such a way I thought is was real for the first half of the book. Absorbing and suspenseful you will not put it down. We waited a long time for a new William Landay book, and he goes and one ups us all and writes the novel of the year. Highly recommended. 


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