Tuesday, December 12, 2023

City in Ruins by Don Winslow

 City in Ruins by Don Winslow

Rating: Starred Review

Summary: Danny Ryan has reached the pinnacle of his career when he runs a group of casinos in Vegas. It’s so good a life, what could go wrong? 

Comments: The final novel in a suburb Danny Ryan trilogy and possible Winslows last novels (let’s hope not) Winslow pours on the Stefan from page one and doesn’t stop. Incredible novel. The novel/trilogy wraps up nicely and satisfies the reader. I think it will be up us fans to insist Winslow does not permanently retire. 


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Sweet Thing by David Swinson

 Sweet Thing by David Swinson

Starred Review

Summary: A new Swinson police detective Alex Blum team up to solve a murder of a man Blum used to use as a C I. Taking place right before the dreaded Y2K, Blum is placed, or did he place himself, in some tough conditions here.

Comments: Swinson is terrific and uncompromising character noir that fondly remind me of another DC writer. I was worried we wouldn’t see Frank Marr but he’s all over once things get really hot. Terrific novel. 

Hey Mulholland Books, you should let me review some of your crime novels. Always rejected. 


Friday, November 10, 2023

The Year Of The Locust by Terry Hayes

Starred Review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

We all fell in love with Terry Hayes when he took the spy thriller world by storm in 2014. I Am Pilgrim is still today nine years later is considered by many to be the finest book written for a thriller fan. 

Hayes now returns, superbly, with The Year of the Locust. We have all waited patiently for years for this novel. Combining a spy novel, a thriller novel and mixes in some dystopian thriller prose, we have The Year of the Locust.

Ridley Kane returns in this giant novel, Is this his real name? He is a deep under cover spy sent to look for the world’s most evil terrorist. Kane is sent to the most isolated regions of the Middle East to end the madness Al Tundra has planned. A slow burn thriller Hayes fantastically examines the aspects of a deep undercover spy navigate through his job commitment and a burgeoning relationship. 

At over 600 pages Hayes ties together a classic genre twisting spy novel I have had the pleasure to read. I Am Pilgrim is still the finest novel I have read, The Year Of The Locust is better. Do not be intimidated by its size because Hayes lyrical prose and topic knowledge will keep you turning the pages. Enjoy the length, the build up and the ending that ties this all together. Was it worth a nine year wait? Absolutely! Highly recommended.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Call Me Hunter by Jim Shockey


Call Me Hunter by Jim Shockey

Rating: Epic 5 stars

Summary: A manuscript arrives in the mail of a very inquisitive investigative journalist. When she begins to read the story her instincts kick into high gear. Meanwhile we turn back to the early 60’s and a young boy who his parents find out is a rare gifted genius with an eye for finding extremely rare art at garage sales with his father. When people around this boy begin to die, the manuscript will decode why. 

Comments: An epic thriller unlike any story I have read in quite some time. Certainly the most original. We get deep state, conspiracy, and a chase across Canada to unravel this quite original novel. Fans of Brad Thor, Jack Carr, and Brad Meltzer will devour this action filled thriller. Highly recommended.


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Liquid Shades of Blue by James Polkinghorn


Liquid Shades of Blue by James Polkinghorn

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Jack is interrupted from a lovely night with a gorgeous women by a phone call from his father that his mother just died. Worse it appears to be suicide. As Jack goes home to Miami he starts asking questions about his family’s past. 

Comments:  A very suspenseful noir set in Miami and Key West. I look forward to much much more and having more Jack. Some comparisons to Jonathon Ames. 


Thursday, May 11, 2023

Boomtown by A F Carter

 Rating: 5 stars

Summary: The third novel in a series centered around a rural Southern, Midwest town that rowing because Nissan is coming to town and building a factory. With any boom there is crime and gangsters who follow. Series regular Capt. Delia overseas the death a pregnant prostitute. 

Comments: A great rural southern crime series’s that’s extremely entertaining and well plotted. Some great  things going on here and lots to build on. Think Ace Atkins with some spice. More please. 


Monday, May 1, 2023

Small Mercies by Dennis Lehane


Small Mercies by Dennis Lehane

Starred Review

Summary: During the backdrop of ending Boston public schools segregation Mary Pat can not find her daughter Jules and the closed off Southie Boston neighborhood. Mary Pat gets shit down looking for her with threats and a payoff.

Comments: Richly atmospheric goodness. 


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

A Good Family by Matt Goldman


A Good Family by Matt Goldman

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: Kate is married and two kids in a very posh neighborhood South of Minneapolis. Her husband’s company is in possibility serious trouble. Kate meets a guy out of the blue while training for the Birkie. When Kate starts asking questions about her marriage and her husbands dealing she wants to divorce. What can go wrong?

Comments: In an over saturated domestic suspense novel, Goldman does it well like all his novels. I miss Nils. 


Friday, April 21, 2023

The Detective Up Late by Adrian McKinity


The Detective Up Late by Adrian McKinity 

Starred Review.

Summary: Sean Duffy is back. Sean is older mature and about to retire to a simple life. He gets called back to locate a missing girl while he is on vacation in Israel right before the New Year. When he and his team look for her the case begins to involve all sorts of strange men. Is this the last case for Sean, is this the last bomb he has to look for under his Beemer? 

Comments: Number seven in the Sean Duffy series. McKinity is at his best when he writes the terrific novels. I love them. More please. 


Monday, April 17, 2023

Sleepless City by Reed Farrell Coleman


Sleepless City by Reed Farrel Coleman

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: A rock star New York City cop is a problem solver for the NY elite that do not want problems. He is given any means to fix the problems that arise from a bad police shooting. This leads to more problems to be solved. 

Comments: I really liked the premise of the story, but for some reason the flow was just a touch off for me. Good news, it appears Coleman has a second novel with Nick coming soon. 


Friday, April 14, 2023

City of Dreams by Don Winslow.

Starred Review: Novel of 2023

Danny Ryan is on the run with his son and remaining crew in the second installment of this incredible trilogy. Ryan settles in California and is looking for a way to be legit and care for his son. An offer comes along, from none other  then the DEA to make some money and pay off some debts. What can go wrong, right? 

An incredible story. Don't start this book if you have things to do. It will paralyze you to race to the finish. A little treat at the end will have you gasping for the next installment. A  stunning novel.


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Ozark Dogs by Eli Cranor


Ozark Dogs by Eli Cranor

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: “Pop” is a junk yard owner with a son in prison and he I’d raising a teen granddaughter since her birth. He wants to live a quiet life and try to forget his demons from Vietnam. When his granddaughter  goes out for a date with her boyfriend she disappears putting Pop back into his Vietnam ghosts. 

Comments: The sophomore crime noir from Cranor is a gangbuster of a thriller. Cranor future is  wry bright. Great novel based on some facts. 



Thursday, April 6, 2023

The River We Remember by William Kent Krueger

 Starred Review

William Kent Krueger arguably is one of Minnesota’s finest crime novelists to come along. His long running Cork O’Conner series is as fine of writing you will read. Kent Krueger has now been occasionally gifting us with some side work, Ordinary Grace and This Tender Land, and don’t forget the fine prequel Lighting Strike which blew me away. Devoured it. 

Never getting comfortable seems to be Kent Kruegers hard scrabble Minnesota roots. Much like our way of life and embracing our brutal winters, Krueger tackles southern Minnesota in the late 50’s. See there is nothing sexy in this area of the state. It is featureless farm land. Wavy landscape, beautiful on a Spring morning, but nothing to set a novel in. Except Krueger who is always stretching his prose says wait a minute, and creates a crime noir, police procedural, unlike his previous writing that blooms beauty in an otherwise boring featureless landscape. The smell, the vibe, the people are drawn out.and given a certain reality that’s hard to write. Somehow Krueger does this effortlessly. Made me almost feel I was reading a Jame Lee Burke novel. Sheriff Dern almost had me thinking he was Robicheaux. 

In this rare novel Krueger works his characters by exposing their insides and examines them in a slow burn of a novel. However do not take this the wrong way. Clearly he does this intentionally to build the tension, but also to the readers delight places you inside the novel to see how your own  humanness is the same as the characters spread throughout. 

Brody Dern is the Sheriff old Black Earth County in Southern Minnesota. Late 1950’s post World War 2 and Korea is still fresh on everyone’s minds and the scars theses men and women carried. Krueger really does exposes the era so well you feel placed into his writing as not only and outsider looking in, but in the farmland your self. Incredible talent  for a novelist. A town bully who takes what he wants and pushes people around, also quite the drinker, is found dead in a river that flows gently through the land. Gruesome and violent Dern has to unpack how he got there. Late 1950’s we still held many prejudices for minorities and again with grace and skill Dern has to see through these themes find out how he died. Was it an accident or a murder? 

Krueger, although it seems impossible to up his writing, sure has accomplished it with this brilliantly crafted crime novel. I believe it’s the most police procedural, crime noir he has written. Two final thoughts: certainly Dern needs more attention, and when does the streamers start producing Kruegers work to the television. 

Early call. Novel of 2023.
