Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Call Me Hunter by Jim Shockey


Call Me Hunter by Jim Shockey

Rating: Epic 5 stars

Summary: A manuscript arrives in the mail of a very inquisitive investigative journalist. When she begins to read the story her instincts kick into high gear. Meanwhile we turn back to the early 60’s and a young boy who his parents find out is a rare gifted genius with an eye for finding extremely rare art at garage sales with his father. When people around this boy begin to die, the manuscript will decode why. 

Comments: An epic thriller unlike any story I have read in quite some time. Certainly the most original. We get deep state, conspiracy, and a chase across Canada to unravel this quite original novel. Fans of Brad Thor, Jack Carr, and Brad Meltzer will devour this action filled thriller. Highly recommended.


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