Thursday, December 30, 2021

Blacktop Wasteland by S. A. Cosby


Blacktop Wasteland by S.A. Cosby

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: A family man who adores his wife and young children is trying to make a go of the family life and leave his past behind. When he looses a contract to take care of a fleet of cars and lead an honest life he chooses to make one last heist to pay a mounting debt. No one was expected to get hurt and the promise of a quick score was to tempting.. 

Comments: The debut novel by Cosby that I regretted reading sooner. Hard core chaotic crime novel of bad or worse decisions to be a good guy. Cosby doesn’t waste time with long drawn out scenes. He gets right to the hard truths and flips the readers pages. Highly recommended.

Shifty’s Boys by Chris Offutt


Shifty’s Boys by Chris Offutt

Rating: Starred Review

Summary: The second stunning novel featuring a Mick Hardin who is still recovering from a wound suffered during a IED blast. Set in the rolling hills of Eastern Kentucky where someone might say Hidy to you as a fine greeting. Mick is asked by a local woman who’s son is found dead in an apparent bad drug deal. Th local cops don’t care and Micks gotta find something to do before is return date with the army. 

Comments: The second splendid crime novel with Offutt featuring Mick Hardin and equally important Linda, and super organized character Johnny Boy. Superior dialog places you deep in the Kentucky hills with plenty of scenes starting or ending with song birds. Robbins being the most spectacular North American bird. Since I like a birds this was a great setting for me. Highly highly recommended. I hope to see more Mick Hardin. This is an incredible series. 

Side Note. I once traveled this area and still remember it’s beauty and deep rolling hills and twisting curves. Incredible.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Catch Her When She Falls by Allison Buccola


Catch Her When She Falls by Allison Buccola

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: A now young adult women starts questioning a murder of her high school friend and the man convicted of the crime. When Micah starts being reminded of the events surrounding the murder she goes down the rabbit hole to explain who really killed her friend Emily. 

Comments: A page turner in the likes of Riley Sager or Denise Mina of peeling back the events of a past crime. Most unique here is Buccola’s debut novel she gives very little away each page. No big surprises until you are well on your way into the bedtime reading.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Shoot The Moonlight Out by William Boyle


Shoot The Moonlight Out by William Boyle

Rating: Starred Review 

Summary: Two young teens in Brooklyn are bored and find entertainment by throwing rocks at passing cars. When one boy hits a young girl with a very promising future they kill her. This sets the base for a cast of deep seated set of characters that go off the edge of life trying to justify there lives. 

Comments: Boyle does it again. Novel of 2021. Boyle might be the most talented writer in the last 5 years.  What he does for setting, character development, and mood is brilliant like no other. Any one who enjoys reading needs to read Boyle.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead


Harlem Shuffle Colson Whitehead

Rating: Starred Review 

Summary: Ray Carney is a furniture store owner in Harlem 1960’s. He also is a low level criminal who hangs around other low level criminals. Heists and Robberies occur. A couple murders land in Ray’s lap too. Somehow Ray has to navigate the straight world and the criminal world.

Comments: Straight up the best crime novel of 2022. Highly recommended.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

White Hot Hate by Dick Lehr

 White Hot Hate by Dick Lehr

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: A group of  four men gather through various other militias to form a group with the idea to bomb and kill Somali immigrants in Garden City Kansas. One member is a FBI informant and feeds the FBI all the plans of the group. The book details the account of there planning, disgusting thoughts, and eventual arrests. The informant Dangerous Dan is a man who really risked his own safety and his family’s to great lengths.

Comments: I can’t say this was a breakthrough real crime novel but it plainly spelled out the stupidity of some of our fellow countrymen. There is definitely some bias written into the novel whether you agree or not.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Just Thieves by Gregory Galloway

 Just Thieves by Gregory Galloway

Rating: Crime novel of 2021

Summary: Rick and Frank walk out of there hotel on the way to a job and notice a dead horse in the road out front. Frank has to spend sometime thinking about this.  Meanwhile  Rick continues to plan the job. Things go sideways and Frank returns the item stolen which sends a ripple affect throughout the rest of the novel.

Comments: One or two novels a year come out that are quite this good. Galloway takes it to a level few are capable of. Told solely from Ricks point of view. Welcome to top notch crime fiction not seen very often. Very likely the novel of 2021. Incredible.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Lean Fall Stand by Ian McGregor


Lean Fall Stand by Jon McGregor

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: A veteran Antarctica explorer is caught with his team in a blinding wind storm. As Robert is suffering rom a sudden powerful stroke a team member is carried away on the ice flow that broke off. The story follows the recovery and speculation into what happened to cause the death of a member of Roberts team. 

Comments: An interesting read. Seems to be drawn out in Roberts recovery. But for some reason I couldn’t stop reading.

The Dark Remains by William McIlVanny and Ian Rankin


The Dark Remains by William McIlVanny and Ian Ranking 

Stared Review

Summary: Laidlaw is asked to help look into a Glasgow gangland stabbing of a high ranking member of a between rival gangs. Laidlaw not quite procedural follow causes a wave distrust through investigation.

Comments: Rankin does Tarten noir in the finest possible means. Must read.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

It Dies With You by Scott Blackburn


It Dies With You by Scott Blackburn


Rating: Starred Review

Summary: Hudson Miller is a semi washed up boxer and lowly bouncer when he finds out his Dad in a near by town has been shot dead. Hudson inherits his fathers vast riches, a junk yard and some rental houses. He makes a go of the junk yard but is derailed when another body is discovered on the site. Miller is contacted by the victim’s sister and together they try and find answers seemingly the local cops refuse to answer. 

Comments: A stunningly great debut, a rare accomplished novel. Much in the way Clifford and Joy stunned the crime writing debut world. Great follow ups I am sure are coming. Highly recommended.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Night Shift by Alex Finlay


The Night Shift by Alex Finlay

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Told from multiple view points the story unfolds of two separate mass killings years apart and similar in circumstances. Who is the common character in both crimes and how are they solved and who is involved all unfolds. 

 Comments: Finlay wrote one of the best debuts novels last year. No sophomore slump here. Finlay continues brilliantly to create compelling characters will many points of view and keep it all tied together in a very suspenseful way. Once you start, don’t plan much else. Fans do Peter Swanson and Riley Sager will love Finlay. Highly recommended.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Damascus Station by David McCloskey


Damascus Station by David McCloskey

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: A CIA spy is tortured in Damascus and is scalped by the friendly Assyrians facing a losing civil war. The CIA wants revenge and sets in motion to recruit a Syrian women close to the Assad regime. She becomes highly successful in getting information out to the Americans but fate and distrust intervene rapidly.

Comments: Clearly written from an inside view. Fantastic spy fiction, maybe the best in years. Comparisons to David Ignatius but with much more gun fighting. Great novel. It will hit on all spy novel greats.

Monday, September 13, 2021

The Unspoken by Ian K. Smith


The Unspoken by Ian K. Smith

Starred Review

Summary: Ashe Cayne, named after tennis star Arthur Ashe, is asked by a uber rich mother in Chicago to help find her missing daughter who has a history of missing. He goes to great lengths to find her and her now dead boy friend killer. 

Comments: Outstanding detective series and a genuinely wonderful debut. Book two is just a good. Highly recommended.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Somebody’s Home by Kaira Rouda


Somebody’s Home by Kaira Rouda 

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: Two families with overbearing and controlling husband’s find both wife’s looking to escape there power. In the middle is a young son who looks for revenge against his father for all the lies he’s created. 

Comments: Rouda again brings out the crazy in crazy and excels masterfully at it. She hooks the reader fast.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

All These Ashes by James Queally


All These Ashes by James Queally

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: A down and out somewhat loser reporter and now a PI, making bad choices is asked by a rival down on his career homicide detective in the fine city of Newark New Jersey to look into a nagging 25 year old homicide. Together they must decide how far to push old wounds to find the real killer and help the dying accused find justice in the much corrupted Newark. 

Comments: Quite a marvelous crime noir by quite a marvelous writer. Highly recommended, and I expect this fine series to get even better. Must read for old school crime lovers. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Wolf Point by Ian K. Smith


Wolf Point by Ian K. Smith

Rating: Starred Review 

Summary: Ashe Cayne, spelled after his fathers favorite tennis player is asked by the family of a very prominent Chicago political player to look into his death by that was said to be a suicide. All on the hush and fast tracked police investigation. 

Summary: Ashe is a very rich smooth detective with a love for Shakespeare quotes.  A terrific novel that pretty much describes the current state of corruption and crime in Chicago, a once great city. Highly recommend and should be made into movies or series. The best crime noir this year.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Rainy Lake Minnesota, Canadian Border


Wild fire smoke from Canadian fires on the Minnesota and Ontario boarder. 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Next Wife by Kaira Rouda


The Next Wife by Kaira Rouda

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: A family tech company is being attacked by a young lady who happens to have caused the divorce of its CEO first wife. With an IPO on the line and a pending split from the next wife plans for a take over quickly dissolve into chaos.

Comments: Rouda is a great writer of American Psycho type characters that have large egos and grandiose  plans. Rouda avoids slogging long narratives and gets right to the point. Fun stuff.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Better off Dead by Lee Child and Andrew Child


Better off Dead by Lee Child and Andrew Child

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Reacher roams into small border town in Arizona on his way to the ocean and stumbles into a smuggling bomb maker. Reacher decides to stay and help a women searching for her wayward brother she believes sent her a message to help him. 

Comments: Basic Reacher plot. Nothing fancy but all the fun of the Child writing you’ve enjoyed over the years. This book seems cut short for some reason. But the same fun is there. 


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The April Dead by Alan Parks


The April Dead by Alan Parks

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Dark Glasgow Det. Harry McCoy is sick with an ulcer and drinking and smoking like a champion. He meets a older father looking for his American son and is asked to help. Harry finds sometime and suddenly Glasgow is being targeted with bombings. Wattie his semi formal partner is looking into McCoys childhood friend ties to a local thugs death. How’s this tie altogether? 

Comments: Fourth in Parks great series. Tight dark and dirty noir. Old school crime. Love it!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Rovers by Richard Lange



Rovers by Richard Lange

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: Two brothers who also happen to be Rovers themselves must navigate a world with other Rovers and do so without attracting to much attention by people who might be hunting them. A man who lost his son to Rovers discovers another old man who hunts Rovers. 

Comments: Think a combination of Of Mice and Men and the tv show True Blood. It’s a bloody mess of a unexpected crime novel with vampires. 

A Thousand Steps by T. Jefferson Parker


A Thousand Steps by T. Jefferson Parker

Stared Review

Summary: A teen boy growing up on Labuan Beach and in the background of the peace and far out generations with a brother on his last days of his Vietnam tour. When he sees his first dead girl being recovered from the beach after missing for several days now found dead. Shocked he learns his sister is too missing. Though a drug riddled Mother and a deadbeat dad he takes on the search for her through the streets of Latina with some help from the police who also have alternate agendas. 

Comments: The tension is thicker then the summer marine layer. The writing is straight forward greatness. The characters and generations is like a Kaleidoscope spinning in a haze of pot smoke. This could be the crime novel of the year. Simply fantastic must read.

Monday, July 26, 2021

The Heathens by Ace Atkins


The Heathens by Ace Atkins

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: A young girl and her brother are orphaned after there mother is murdered. They flee Mississippi with there criminal boyfriend and Quinn needs to find them soon. As they flee they meet a girl who’s house they are staying in and she turns TJ Byrd into a social media sensation claiming her innocence. 

Comments: Told from multiple perspectives, leaving Quinn with little room in this novel, it’s a solid page turner. Atkins has hit his stride here and Quinn carries little of the story which was fine with me. Great book. Some great creepy characters that smell bad.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Cover Wife by Dan Fesperman


The Cover Wife by Dan Fesperman

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Two years prior to September 11th a group of alphabet agencies are monitoring a group of suspected planners in Hamburg Germany. Schemes are set up and individual agents with different agendas are following them but not talking to each other. What plans are the suspects planning?

Comments: Sadly, I don’t believe are alphabet agents are talking to each other 20 years past the horrific attacks. Wonderful book with some nifty twists.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

How To Find Your Way In The Dark by Derek B Miller


How To Find Your Way In The Dark by Derek B Miller

Rating: Starred Review

Summary: Young Sheldon Horowitz is orphaned at twelve years old after his mother and father die in separate tragic deaths. He is sent to live with his uncle and two cousins. Much like Sheldon they lost there mother and the father is not mentally able to care much for them. The novel covers the next ten years of Sheldons formative years and revenge to his fathers killer.

Comments: This will be considered the crime novel of the year, if not the novel of the year. Although described as a coming of age novel, it’s much much more then that. Miller will have a couple of up coming releases to challenges his book, but it’s by far the best I’ve read this year 2021. Outstanding!

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Lake Kabetogama, Minnesota.


Summer in Northern Minnesota. 

Ocean Prey by John Sandford


Ocean Prey by John Sandford

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Lucas is tasked with jump starting a stalled FBI task force in Southern Florida after three coast guard men are killed trying to stop a drug boat. Lucas certainly stirs the pot and things start moving, sometimes in the wrong direction. Once he calls his long time cool hearted relentless investigator Virgil Flowers in for a undercover assignment the novel really takes off.

Comments: Somehow Sandford keeps churning the novel machine and they keep getting better. Just like Jack Reacher too.

Monday, July 5, 2021

A Good Kill by John McMahon


A Good Kill by John McMahon

Summary: The third book featuring Detective PT Marsh in what has developed into a great established author John McMahon. PT finds himself in a school shooting in Mason Falls Georgia. He has to make a decision to either kill the suspect or negotiate. When he gets a call from his sometimes nemeses the governor of Georgia to shoot and kill him. The rabbit hole opens for PT to confront his demons on who killed his wife and child a few years back. 

Comments: The third installment of a fine series. If you like Brian Panowich you’ll also like this series.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The Institute by Jakub Zulczyk


The Institute by Jakub Zulczyk

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: A restless and troubled women in A failed marriage with a young daughter looks to escape the marriage and gather her daughter along with her and start a new life. When she suddenly inherited a apartment building from her Grandmother she makes her move. She starts a new life and parties hard in her new independent life. She has a group of friends living with her when they find themselves locked in their own apartment with now seemingly way out. 

Comments: A ghostly scary tale with some brutal violence. I loved the past story on our propagandists past history. A well done page turner. Hold on tight.

Friday, June 25, 2021

The Good Turn by Dervla McTiernan


The Good Turn by Dervla McTiernan

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Cormac Reilly returns to lead a somewhat inexperienced team on a chase to find a missing girl and his supervisor refuses to help with man power because he’s interested in a much bigger case and dislikes Cormac immensely. When the suspected is located and shot dead by is underling detective treats of firings and prosecution split the young team up and Cormac on suspension. 

Comments: A very complex plot. Many plot lines must come together to create a fine crime novel and charter driven novel. If you enjoy Tana French and other fine Irish crime novels this series is right for you. Do not hesitate to buy and enjoy. Highly recommended. McTiernan can craft a great suspense novel.

Monday, June 21, 2021

No Witness by Warren C. Easley


No Witness by Warren C. Easley 

Rating: 4 stars

Summary:  Recurring character Cal Claxton hires a young eager man to help and learn the ways of private investigation. When his sister is killed on a grape farm near Portland Oregon Cal steps in to help the migrant family when police fail to investigate throughly. 

Comments. Easley has a great series of Cal Claxton PI crime novels. Much like William Kent Krueger race and politics play a large role in Cals life. Well worth your time. 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

City on the Edge by David Swinson


City On The Edge by David Swinson

Rating:  Starred Review 

Summary: A twelve year-old boy is with his family in Beruit Lebanon during the 1972 Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes. He is a curious boy with two friends that share a hidden fort near there home. One day he hanging out in his fort when a man is killed right in front of him. He slowly puts together his fathers job and his mothers dislike for him into a saga of guilt, dishonesty, and distrust. 

Comments: one of the best books of 2021 this far. It has touches of Young Adult but is a fabulous who done it. Highly recommend.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Widespread Panic by James Ellroy


Widespread Panic by James Ellroy

Rating 4 stars

Summary: Freddy Ottash is a fired cop and now working for a tabloid spreading lurid tales of the Hollwierd. Freddy will do anything but murder. He is a classic criminal and abuser. He is wholly unlikeable. 

Comments: Much like American Psycho, this novel is full throttle nuts. Fast moving page turner. One of the craziest novels I’ve ever read.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Lighting Strike by William Kent Krueger


Lighting Strike by William Kent Krueger

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: A twelve year old Cork O’Connor finds the body hanging from a tree at a location in the woods known as Lighting Strike for its history as a for logging location. The man found dead haunts a young. Cork and his two best friends so much they run a side investigation with his father who is the local county Sheriff. 

Comments: Kent Krueger has be the best writer in Minnesota. His voice is loud among crime writers. Writing this prequel was an amazing opportunity to see Cork and his childhood growing up with his father. There is a pretty sad turn of events in the final pages just when I hoped we’d see more prequel work. Maybe we still will? Highly recommended. This will easily be one of the best books of the year.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Shadow People by Joe Clifford


The Shadow People by. Joe Clifford

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: A young man with a sad history and semi adopted family is notified his best friend is missing. Jacob is also extremely mentally ill. After they find him dead a thousand miles away in Minnesota under bizarre circumstances he goes on a quest to find the Shadow People.

Comments: Clifford again goes in a different direction with his writing into the mystical genre with a ton of suspense built in. Think Dean Koontz with some steroids shot into the story. Great stuff.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Ascension by Oliver Harris


Ascension by Oliver Harris

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Elliott Kane returns from a forced seclusion teaching and recruiting possible spy’s. He is called to look into a suicide of a man on the desolate South Atlantic spy island of Ascension. 

Comments: An incredible researched spy novel in the likes of David Ignatius and Brad Thor. There is a several points in the novel when it becomes difficult to tell fiction from reality based on the research written in. By far the spy novel of the year. Highly recommended.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

In The Cage Where Your Saviors Hide by Malcolm Mackey


Rating: 5 stars

Summary: A young PI Darien Ross is introduced in rural Scotland in the rich history city of Chillaid. He is tasked with finding the killer of a local man that police seemingly want kept quite. 

Comments: Mackey might be the finest crime writer around right now. Gives new meaning to Rebus. A must read author. Do yourself a favor and read all his books. Not a single bad novel. This is part one of a two story novel with the same protagonist.

Razorblade Tears by S. A. Cosby


Razorblade Tears by S. A. Cosby 

Rating: 4 stars

Two damaged fathers trying to reform come together to try and find out who killed there sons in a brazen shooting in downtown Richmond Virginia. The path they follow is violent, fought with race and often times difficult realities must be confronted to right wrongs.

Comments: A extremely fast paced crime novel of two fathers facing there own biases to find the killer of there once disproving family members. I hoped for more past from the two main characters, but the pages will turn with no wasted effort. Also read Blacktop Wasteland a marvelous crime novel.

Friday, May 7, 2021

City of Dark Corners by Jon Talton


City of Dark Corners by Jon Talton

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Gene Hammons is a down on his luck PI in the new city of Phoenix. He was a former rising star in the Phoenix police department. With ties still strong with the police he is asked about a dismembered women found in a dirty rail yard. Hammons has got demons from the war and is a guy who won’t stop looking for justice in a corrupt city.

Comments: An old school detective police procedural. Hammons is a great character that kept me reading. Not much crime fiction in Phoenix but this is great mid century historical crime novel. Read it.

Monday, May 3, 2021

The Maidens by Alex Michaelides


The Maidens by Alex Michaelides

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: A psychologist who runs a private group therapists is asked by her niece to come to Cambridge to help her with a murdered student she knew. Once she arrives she finds a group of maidens attached to a professor who are suspect of misdeeds. 

Comments: A tightly page turner novel of suspense. If you enjoyed his first novel The Silent Patient he follows a similar formula of pealing the onion. He makes a few nice references to his first novel.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Falling by T. J. Newman


Falling by T. j. Newman 

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: A pilot and his family are taken hostage and kidnapped to facilitate a crash of a jetliner into a unknown target. A group of three dedicated airline stewardess on board must help the pilot save and land the aircraft with a 144 souls on board. 

Comments: Certainly a fresh take on the thriller genre with a rip roaring pulse bender of a novel. It’s a rather short novel but gets right to the point of a thrill ride, literally. This thriller should make a great summer read, and just in time.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Northern Heist by Richard O’rawe


Northern Heist by Richard O’rawe

Rating: 3 stars

Summary: A Belfast criminal plans with a large team to rob the largest bank in Northern Ireland. It’s a fictional account of a real event and to this day stymied the local authorities.

Comments: Lacks character building and who these people really are. An over simplified account of a very important event. There is enough here to keep you reading, but barely.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Matters of Doubt by Warren C. Easley


Matters of Doubt by Warren C. Easley

Rating: 5 stars

Summary:  A former LA district attorney is humbly living in Dundee Oregon when he is visited by a homeless boy looking for someone, anyone to help find his mothers killer. With really little experience Cale Claxton agrees to take a look. 

Comments: The first in a series and it hits all cylinders. Not exactly sure what’s happening with the series, but you can read all Claxton books already available. I will be. Easley explores many societal ills, and explores down and out characters. Good stuff, read them.

Friday, April 16, 2021

The Guide by Peter Heller

 The Guide by Peter Heller

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: Jack is a outdoorsman and is hired at a posh fishing resort catering to the very rich. Looking for a change and easy job guiding, he encounters a beautiful country singer and guides her catching some beautiful trout. Things though feel odd at this resort and both start to question what exactly is happening here. 

Comments: Heller is the new country noir writer I am glad I found. Outstanding story telling that places you like you are in the scene with the flowing water, the cold stream and the sounds of nature abound. Beautifully written must read.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The Missing by Dirk Kurbjuweit


The Missing by Dirk Kurbjuweit

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: Post World War One in the city of Hanover Germany a series of missing teen boys I’d gripping the city. Based on a true serial killer Kurbjuweit walks us through post war Germany and its political struggle to remain upright. Pressure to solve these missing boys grows as a struggling detective tries to navigate an investigation. 

Comments: A historical police procedural digs very deep into post World War One and a most ugly serial