Monday, March 29, 2021

The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz


The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: A published author that sold a book that really did not sell is teaching in a small remote college in Vermont. While starting a new class he runs across a student who wrote the next big seller. Oprah huge! Spielberg huge! Several years later the book is not published and he takes the general story idea and rewrites it. The book becomes a giant world wide success. With so much fame the original story is recognized and he begins receiving threats to come clean over the plagiarism he committed, or didn’t. 

Comments. If you start the book set aside sometime because you won’t be doing much else. Totally absorbing original plot. Many aspects of novel writing and publishing are told. Really really finely written. A twisted ending you may not see coming. Oprah huge? Maybe.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

When Ghosts Come Home by Wiley Cash


When Ghosts Come Home by Wiley Cash

Rating: Starred Review. 

Summary: A small island off the North Carolina coast and a large airplane lands on a runway in the early morning hours that is to small for the runway. The local sheriff who is up for election in just a few days has to quickly unravel why this plane is here and why a local man is found dead near the plane. Mean while Sheriff Barnes is dealing with many family issues and a divided department that is openly sabotaging him. 

Comments: Cash is a rural noir master who has absolutely brilliantly written a crime novel of 2021. It is tightly written and he wastes no time in his prose and story development. Do not miss this novel. Cash’s development of the daughter and her role and the heart breaking saga will draw any reader to flip the pages. Incredible must read.

Friday, March 19, 2021

When All the Light Fails by Randall Silvis


When All the Light Fails by Randall Silvis

Rating: Starred Review 

Summary: Series regular DeMarco is shot by a wanted killer and has a near death vivid experience and his good friend is seriously injured stopping the killer. After his recovery DeMarco and Jamie are asked to look into a strange note sent to a local judge that is asking for the judge to claim paternity in a past relationship. Jayme and DeMarco begin looking things are not adding up and Jayme falls for the little girls    because her mother is on her death bed. 

Comments: Unlike a conventional crime novel Silvis explores more human thoughts and behaviors that wrap around a crime novel. Seriously great writing and is highly emotional reading. I couldn’t put the book down. Highly highly recommended. Silvis is top notch at the top of his game. If you are looking for a James Lee Burke fill, Silvis is your alternative.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Kill All Your Darlings by David Bell


Kill All Your Darlings by David Bell

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: A small college in Kentucky a missing student returns to her professors house and claims he stole the idea for her book now published and living off of. The mystery unfolds as to why she disappeared and who really wrote the now well selling novel.

Comments: Bell is a master suspense writer. He does well in having the classic page turner. This will be a great summer read for the vacations you have planned. Absorbing and propulsive. Enjoy.

Cherry, by Nico Walker, Movie Edition

Starred Review

Cherry by Nico Walker, Movie Edition

Summary: A young man entering college meets a young lady and falls in love. She gets nervous and threatens to move away so he enters the army at the time Iraq war is out of control. Before he leaves his girlfriend admits she was not going to move away, but it’s to late for him. He returns from war damaged and enters a life of heroin addiction that leads to a path of bank heists to pay for his habit and hers. 

Comments: Not only was Walkers book all to great, and real life, so was the movie, other then a cheesy war sciences poorly done. At plus 2 hours the movie clipped along. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Tower of Babel by Michael Sears


Tower of Babel by Michael Sears

Rating: 4.5 stars

Summary: Ted Malloy is a burnt out former lawyer scraping by finding left over surplus money from lost property. Or some such scheme. When his helper is murdered and the spouse demands he find the killer it’s sets a conspiracy thriller into full throttle as Ted risks life and limb to find out why his partner was killed.

Comments: A great fast page turning and original conspiracy thriller. Sears doesn’t get fancy with his writing, but he sure knows how to get the reader flipping those pages. If you like a good financial thriller, and completely original, this is a fun book. Recommended.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Basil’s War by Stephen Hunter


Basil’s War by Stephen Hunter

Rating: 5 stars

Summary: An aloof British spy more concerned with avoiding the war is asked to jump into France and recover by whatever means a missing code book that will convince the Russians of German plans to invade Kursk. This could add years to the war and millions more dead.

Comments: Hunter writes a comedic spy thriller that will have you chuckling along. As much as we love Hunters Bob the Nailer series, this is a great spy novel and shows exactly how talented and researched Hunter really is. Have fun it’s a great novel.