Friday, March 19, 2021

When All the Light Fails by Randall Silvis


When All the Light Fails by Randall Silvis

Rating: Starred Review 

Summary: Series regular DeMarco is shot by a wanted killer and has a near death vivid experience and his good friend is seriously injured stopping the killer. After his recovery DeMarco and Jamie are asked to look into a strange note sent to a local judge that is asking for the judge to claim paternity in a past relationship. Jayme and DeMarco begin looking things are not adding up and Jayme falls for the little girls    because her mother is on her death bed. 

Comments: Unlike a conventional crime novel Silvis explores more human thoughts and behaviors that wrap around a crime novel. Seriously great writing and is highly emotional reading. I couldn’t put the book down. Highly highly recommended. Silvis is top notch at the top of his game. If you are looking for a James Lee Burke fill, Silvis is your alternative.

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