Wednesday, March 24, 2021

When Ghosts Come Home by Wiley Cash


When Ghosts Come Home by Wiley Cash

Rating: Starred Review. 

Summary: A small island off the North Carolina coast and a large airplane lands on a runway in the early morning hours that is to small for the runway. The local sheriff who is up for election in just a few days has to quickly unravel why this plane is here and why a local man is found dead near the plane. Mean while Sheriff Barnes is dealing with many family issues and a divided department that is openly sabotaging him. 

Comments: Cash is a rural noir master who has absolutely brilliantly written a crime novel of 2021. It is tightly written and he wastes no time in his prose and story development. Do not miss this novel. Cash’s development of the daughter and her role and the heart breaking saga will draw any reader to flip the pages. Incredible must read.

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